The program is funded by the U.S. Department of State,     Bureau of Educational & Cultural Affairs (ECA) to

 provide   full scholarships for high school students from countries   with significant Muslim populations to study for one   academic year in the United States. 

YES students serve as   “youth ambassadors” of their home country, promoting mutual understanding by

forming lasting relationships with their host families and communities. Participants live with a   host family, attend an American high school, acquire leadership skills, and engage in activities to learn about U.S.  society and values; they also help educate Americans   about their home country and culture.

  The YES program is administered in partnership with the U.S. Department of State by a consortium of non-profit organizations led by American Councils for International Education. In Liberia,iEARN-Liberia manages the YES program in partnership with the local U.S. Embassy, Public Affairs Office.


   Read about Alumni stories and project on our facebook page

​​     YES Alumni LiberiaPublished by Emmanuel G Godfrey · 
      October 23 at 5:33 PM · 

    #3 Musa A. Kabbah (YES Alum. 2015-2016)

   Musa is a creative and hardworking young man who believes deeply in ''they need better       understanding". His desire for better understanding led him into creating the Inter-Faith Harmony workshop to educate Liberians on the importance of religious freedom and tolerance. He is a     Co-founder and Executive Director of the BETTER UNDERSTANDING FOR A BETTER LIBERIA - BUBL.
  In the coming months, Musa, along with others potential volunteers will be conducting a   National Youth Summit for youths across the 15 counties of Liberia - with support from the U.S.   Department of State through the YES programs.

 Congratulations Mr. Kabbah for being one of this year's YES Alumni Grant winners. We are truly     amazed by your passion and dreams for national peace and diversity.

 The YES program started in Liberia in 2009 with the first group of six(6) high school student selected from Montserrado County to represent Liberia. Currently, we have over Sixty seven (67) returnees also known as YES ALUMNI. These returnees have formed the Liberia YES Alumni corps to constructively give back to their societies through their US experience and skills acquired from the program. In 2011, the YES Alumni Corps embarked on its first program the “School Health club” to help high school students understand the importance of proper hygienic practice, to keep the school environment clean and present best practices on waste management within the school environment. The corps currently operates a mini reading room and a computer resource lab in Monrovia. The reading room project was sponsored by the host family of Mohammed Kiawu, an alumnus from Ann Arbor, Michigan. Most of the YES Alumni programs are aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):

  Read about Alumni stories and project on our facebook page

  #2 EMMANUEL G. GODFREY (Volunteer General Secretary - YES Alumni Liberia)

  Emmanuel is an inspirational, passionate, and an innovative young man who believes deeply in ''let's give them    education". His desire to extend educational opportunities to many disadvantaged and underprivileged young     ones has led him into creating educational programs that are benefiting Liberians. He had served as a volunteer    classroom teacher and is the proud founder of The WORKSHOP FOR EFFECTIVE ENGLISH TEACHING AND     SPEAKING -WEETAS, and a Co-founder of the BETTER UNDERSTANDING FOR A BETTER LIBERIA - BUBL.

 In the month of November 2018, Emmanuel, along with others potential volunteers will be conducting a four day "Restoring the Educational Hope (REH)" workshop in one of the slum communities in lower Montserrado, Liberia   with support from the U.S. Department of State through the YES programs.
 Congratulations Mr. Godfrey for being one of this year's YES Alumni Grant winners. We are truly amazed at   your  works, passion, and dreams for the development of education in Liberia and around the world
